
The Delaware Tech 公共安全 Office urges all members of the college community to participate in making our campuses as safe as possible. 如果你养成了良好的安全防范习惯, 你可以协助我们保护你的财产和我们的校园. 校园安全是十大正规赌博平台大全的重要组成部分. 你的安全是我们的首要任务!



  • 千万不要在钥匙圈上留下身份标签. 如果你的钥匙丢失或被盗,它可以帮助小偷找到你的车和你的家.
  • Don't leave the vehicle title, credit cards, gas cards, checkbooks or purses in the car.
  • 把所有贵重物品锁在行李箱里或留在家里. 不要把它们放在显眼的地方.
  • 永远锁好你的车,取下钥匙,放在口袋里. When returning to your car, have your keys handy so you don't have to linger before entering the car.
  • 把车停在有灯光的地方. 上车之前,检查一下后座,确保没有人在里面. 进入后,锁好门.


  • 熟悉校园停车场和设施. 这将帮助你选择上下班的最佳方式.
  • 笔直地、自信地、以稳定的步伐走路.
  • Walk facing traffic; stay in well-lighted areas as much as possible.
  • 如果可行的话,和你一起工作或学习的人建立伙伴关系. 如果你要去校园的偏远地区旅行, contact the 公共安全 Office to get a Safe Campus Escort to any location on campus. Safe Campus Escorts are always available to you at any time during the day or evening.


《十大正规赌博平台大全》将“盗窃”定义为“拿走”, 对…进行控制, 或者取得他人的财产并意图剥夺他人的财产.“你能做些什么来防止盗窃?? 只要按照下面的建议去做就可以了:

  • 不要在任何地方或任何时间丢下个人财物.
  • 在实际情况下,用雕刻铅笔永久地标记您的个人财产, 把你的名字写在所有的书上.
  • 记录你的贵重物品,包括序列号和型号, 识别特征, 和价值.
  • 不要把手提包放在桌子下面或卫生间的地板上. Always close your purse when not using it to prevent onlookers from seeing the contents. 最重要的是,不要让它无人看管.
  • 当你在办公室工作时,把你的钱包锁在桌子或文件柜里.
  • Avoid carrying large sums of money or other valuables when you eng年龄 in sporting events or athletic activities.


Personal safety while on campus is the result of a partnership between the 公共安全 Department and each individual on campus. Delaware Technical Community College strives to ensure the safety of all individuals within its community. 学生和员工, 集体和个人, must take responsibility for their own safety and that of their personal belongings. 简单的预防措施是维护人身安全最有效的手段. Each campus of Delaware Technical Community College provides well-lit parking areas and walkways for your use. 它们应该在夜间使用. 公共安全护送可应要求提供. All valuable property should be engraved with the owner's driver's license number or other form of identification. 无人看管的汽车应该一直锁着. 当你把贵重物品留在车里时,它们应该锁在后备箱里. Students should notify campus 公共安全 or a college employee of any unusual events or individuals present on campus.


  • Adopting a sense of personal responsibility for one’s safety and common sense can provide a degree of protection from assault.  以下是安全贴士: 
  • Find strength in numbers; attend social gatherings with a friend; stick together and arrange a pre-planned signal to alert one another when it’s time to go or if either needs help
  • Avoid walking or jogging alone at night and stick to lighted areas whenever possible; each campus provides escort services during evening hours; contact the relevant campus 公共安全 Office to arrange for an escort
  • Keep doors and windows locked and remain aware of your surroundings; never hitchhike
  • Each campus has informational brochures available describing how one may reduce the risk of 性ual assault; campus programs designed to provide instruction on defensive skills are conducted from time to time.


Delaware Technical Community College strives to make your educational environment safe. The college recognizes that individual conduct while on campus significantly impacts the quality of campus life. Delaware Tech recognizes 性ual misconduct of any kind as a socially irresponsible behavior which violates the rights of other individuals. Student Services provides informational brochures as part of a program to enlighten everyone on how to avoid or prevent a 性ual assault and also what to do should one occur. You can find these brochures at the Student Services Center and throughout campus where each of the 公共安全 information bulletin boards are located.

一旦收到性侵犯的投诉, the college will initiate judicial hearings against the offender regardless of any criminal or civil actions. 如果确定有违反学生行为准则的行为, 或者在雇员的情况下, a violation of the Delaware Technical Community College's Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual, 可以实施制裁. 制裁可能包括解雇, 被排除在学术参与或其他大学赞助的项目之外, 和/或拒绝使用大学设施.

All reports of 性ual assault will initiate an internal mechanism for employees and students to resolve the complaint through the college's Procedure for the Resolution of Sexual Harassment Complaints.


支持预防犯罪的努力, each Delaware Tech campus provides reports (Timely Warnings) to its College Community concerning the occurrence of any Reportable Offense reported to either a local law enforcement 年龄ncy or to a Campus Security Authority where the occurrence of such an offense is deemed by the relevant Vice President and Campus Director, 在谘询有关的公共安全处处长后, 对学生或雇员构成威胁的. 警告是根据犯罪的严重程度设计的, the continuing threat to the College Community and the population most likely to be at risk. 警告将提供事件的描述, 何时何地发生的, 行凶者的外形描述, 与之前报告的事件有任何联系, category of individuals who may be at risk and the date and time the warning was issued. Dissemination of warnings will depend on similar factors and will consist of posting on a given Campus Web p年龄, 学院门户网站(MyDTCC)的定向公告, 张贴校园信息电视监视器, 布告板张贴或电子邮件. 在发生其他紧急情况时,可采用类似的机制, 虽然本质上不是犯罪, 但却威胁到大学社区成员的安全. The Chief of 公共安全 at each campus is responsible for determining when Crime Alert Bulletins will be made and the duration of the Crime Alert Warning. 


Make sure to program the phone number of your campus 公共安全 Office into your cell phone!

  • 多佛: (302) 857-1110
  • 乔治敦大学: (302) 259-6241
  • 斯坦顿: (302) 454-3938
  • 威尔明顿: (302) 573-5418